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PHP Remove HTML Tag Cleaning Text

We can parse HTML page to collect only normal text with PHP function  strip_tags()
for example to using this functoin in bilow

Example to using  PHP strip_tags()

    $html_page="<a href='test.php'>This is my page </a>";  

The output is return
This is my page yes

Note** If we have complex HTML page the output is not perfect we need to clean it self for example
   $description.=" ".strip_tags(trim($html_page))." ".$main_term;  
   $description = ereg_replace( "\n", " ", $description);  
   $description = ereg_replace( "\r", " ", $description);  
   $description = ereg_replace( " ", " ", $description);  
   $description = ereg_replace( " ", " ", $description);  
   $description = ereg_replace( " ", " ", $description);  
   $description = ereg_replace( " ", " ", $description);