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PHP Mysql tutorial for beginners with examples code and tip

PHP Mysql tutorial for beginners with examples code and tip for query with select commans ,
insert delete update with mysql_query();

Example PHP Mysql for Connect Database  (PHP Mysql tutorial for beginners)
you can use function mysql_connect(); to connect to mysql dbms by send db host , db user , db password
and use function mysql_select_db(); to connect to databalse by send database name for example

//select database if fail print error
@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");

Example PHP Mysql for Query with SQL command  (PHP Mysql tutorial for beginners)
you can execute any SQL command by sending parameter to functoin mysql_query();
for example in query it's will return data in mysql_result();

$query="select *  from test_comment where flash_id='$code_id' order by comment_id desc";
while ($i < $num) {
    $content =mysql_result($result,$i,"content");
    echo "

Example PHP Mysql for Insert with SQL command  (PHP Mysql tutorial for beginners)
for Insert mode it's easy way to using function mysql_query(); to execute SQL command with insert statement  example code in below

$query = "insert into test_comment (flash_id,content,post_by,create_date,last_update,ip) ";

Example PHP Mysql for Delete with SQL command  (PHP Mysql tutorial for beginners)
for delete mode it's the same way by using mysql_query();  example code in below\

$query = "delete from  test_comment ";

Example PHP Mysql for Update with SQL command  (PHP Mysql tutorial for beginners)
for update mode it's the same yes

$query = "update test_comment  set title='test' where code_id='1001'";

Tip : With PHP and MySQL you can only using mysql_query();  you can send any SQL command to execute wink